The impact of the IOTC fisheries on mobulid rays: status and interactions, data availability, and recommendations for management
Lois Flounders (MSc - University of Plymouth)
Summary: Manta and devil rays, collectively known as mobulids, are migratory elasmobranchs facing threats from fisheries and bycatch. The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) has adopted Resolution 19/03 to address the conservation of mobulids in the Indian Ocean. Mobulids are mainly caught as bycatch in tuna fisheries, and their post-release mortality is high. Data gaps exist in understanding mobulid life history, distributions, and fisheries interactions. Recommendations for management include spatio-temporal management of critical habitats, developing technologies to prevent incidental capture, safe handling and release methods, increased observer coverage, improved identification guides and data collection protocols, and further research on critical habitats and post-release mortality. Collaboration with organizations like the Manta Trust is suggested to facilitate these actions.
“Introduction and status of mobulids
Manta and devil rays (collectively known as mobulids) are a family of migratory elasmobranchs. Their life history traits mean the largest Mobula species have maximum rates of intrinsic population increase among the lowest of all elasmobranchs (Dulvy et al., 2014). Mobulids are vulnerable to both targeted fisheries and bycatch and are caught in both small-scale and commercial (e.g. tuna) fisheries (Croll et al., 2016). Such fisheries are a major threat to mobulids, with some populations exhibiting declines of over 90% (e.g. Lewis et al., 2015; Rohner et al., 2017; Moazzam, 2018). In the Indian Ocean, all mobulid species are assessed as either Vulnerable or Endangered (IUCN, 2020; Table 3.), with steep population declines due to exploitation in fisheries playing a major role in these assessments. In response to growing concern, in 2019 the IOTC adopted Resolution 19/03 on the conservation of mobulids caught in association with fisheries in the IOTC Area of Competence (Annex 1).Interactions with the IOTC fisheries
Mobulids are mainly caught as bycatch, primarily in the industrial purse-seine fisheries, and to a lesser extent in longline fisheries (Croll et al., 2016; Shahid et al., 2018). They are also incidentally captured in small-scale gillnet fisheries, usually being retained for their meat and gill plates (White et al., 2006; Ardill et al., 2011; Moazzam, 2018). Mobulids are particularly susceptible to incidental catch in tuna fisheries due to their epipelagic distribution in regions of high productivity, leading to a high level of distributional overlap with target species (Croll et al., 2012). However, observer coverage on the IOTC fishing vessels is limited, and often mobulid landings are not identified to species level, meaning data is poor. Despite this, reports submitted to the IOTC WPEB in 2018 (Shahid et al.; Moazzam; Fernando) all highlighted declines in mobulid populations due to tuna fisheries in the Indian Ocean (Table 4.).Post-release mortality of mobulids in tuna fisheries is currently high (Poisson et al., 2014; Francis and Jones, 2017; Amandè et al., 2008) due to a lack of available tools to safely manipulate mobulids (Grande et al., 2019), and lack of awareness/compliance with safe handling and release guidelines. Potential onboard tools include “manta ray grids” and modified brailer grids. Pre- capture techniques, which should be emphasised, include dynamic spatio-temporal management of key mobulid habitats, and tools such as LEDs to prevent incidental catch.
Data availability and gapsResearch on mobulids, although increasing, has been limited by the difficulties in observing and investigating Mobula species in their extensive oceanic environment (Couturier et al., 2012; Croll et al., 2016; Lawson et al., 2017; Stevens et al., 2018). A systematic literature review undertaken by Stewart et al., published in September 2018(a), identified research priorities to support effective mobulid ray conservation. The review highlighted the need for taxonomic clarifications, better knowledge of mobulid life history parameters, and more studies on bycatch and fisheries (including post-release mortality, species distributions and fisheries data standardisation). A number of data gaps, in addition to the lack of IOTC fisheries observer coverage and lack of research into bycatch mitigation for mobulids, are of relevance to and could be addressed by tuna RFMOs. These are outlined in Table 4.
Recommendations for management
CMM 19/03 is very positive and in order to ensure implementation and compliance, while achieving the goal of significantly decreasing the mortality of mobulid rays, the following actions are recommended:
• Action 1 - Pre-capture: Spatio-temporal management of critical key habitats for mobulids, where they are found in high abundance, should be immediately implemented. Such pre-capture methods should be prioritised to minimise mobulid mortality in the IOTC fisheries.
• Action 2 - Pre-capture: New technologies to prevent incidental capture of mobulids e.g. LED lights in gillnets, should be developed and tested.
• Action 3 - Safe handling and release: New tools for mobulid release, e.g. manta grids or modified brailer nets in purse seiners, should be developed in collaboration with fishing crew and tested under normal operations.
• Action 4 - Safe handling and release: The quick and safe release of mobulids, in a manner to cause as minimum harm as possible using the best available guidelines (e.g. Annex 2), should be incentivised and compliance of fishing crew closely monitored.
• Action 5 – Data collection: Observer coverage of the IOTC vessels should be significantly higher. This is crucial to addressing the issue of mobulid bycatch.
• Action 6 - Data collection: Thorough training should be given to fisheries observers, skippers, and fishing crew to enable accurate reporting on mobulid capture, with an emphasis on the need to collect good photographs to enable verification. This could be facilitated by a Manta Trust administered online mobulid identification hub where mobulid experts can give quick verification of species identification.
• Action 7 - Data collection: Improved and updated mobulid identification guides should be developed. The Manta Trust can facilitate this through provision of materials with the hope to create more cohesive guides across the RFMOs.
• Action 8 - Data collection: Data collection protocols, as well as safe handling and release guidelines, should be reviewed and, where possible, standardised across the RFMOs. This could be facilitated by the Manta Trust, and would help to address key knowledge gaps as outlined in section 4.2.
• Action 9 - Further research: Further work should be done to identify and protect critical key habitats (as mentioned in action 1), e.g. as carried out by Lezama-Ochoa et al. (2019b). Such work could be facilitated through collaboration with third parties such as the Manta Trust.
• Action 10 - Further research: Post-release mortality should be investigated through a centralised PRM program implemented by the IOTC. Such work could be facilitated through collaboration with third parties such as the Manta Trust.”
Author Affiliations
University of Plymouth
Blue Resources Trust
The Manta Trust